Daily check-in experience to provide self-reflection and an extra boost of motivation


Introduce a new feature to the app that acts as a “daily check-in” for smokers who have recently quit, to indicate whether or not they have experienced a relapse. The captured information helps health coaches reach out to those in need in a timely manner, helping them stay on track and as a result, increasing our program’s efficacy rates.


UI/UX design and user research for creating a new feature in an existing mobile application:

  • Worked closely with product manager and behavior scientist to define the types of information that need to be captured for the coaches
  • Explored different concepts and tested them with smokers and former smokers to identify what matters to them the most and prioritize based on their quitting experiences
  • Created a logic matrix to personalize the experience and add variation to the every day task of checking in
  • Communicated with the iOS and Android engineers on a daily basis and brainstormed new ways to achieve the intention without creating a high engineering lift